August 2022An on-time, relevant word from Apostle Jerry Upton.
August 6, 2022. Sabbath Saturday Service 8:30am
My Sheep Hear My Voice
My Sheep Hear My Voice
August 7, 2022. Sunday Service 11:00am
The 7 Spirits of God Assist in Our Inheritance
The 7 Spirits of God Assist in Our Inheritance
August 13, 2022. Sabbath Saturday Service 8:30am
Supernatural Grace to Prosper
Supernatural Grace to Prosper
August 14, 2022. Sunday Service 8:30am
Supernatural Grace to Prosper, Part 2
Supernatural Grace to Prosper, Part 2
August 14, 2022. Sunday Service 11:00am
The Power and Importance of the Seed
The Power and Importance of the Seed
August 20, 2022. Sabbath Saturday Service 8:30am
Can God Trust You With His Wealth?
Can God Trust You With His Wealth?
August 27, 2022. Sabbath Saturday Service 8:30am
The Blessing of Abraham
The Blessing of Abraham
August 28, 2022. Sunday Service 8:30am
Sowing Seeds and Expecting to Reap a Harvest
Sowing Seeds and Expecting to Reap a Harvest