Teaching For the Present Times
The times we are in may seem difficult and the world may be in great confusion, but we can rest securely in the truth of the Word of God. We can choose to rest in God because He is not a man and He cannot lie to us.
Studying teaching directly from the Lord will bring great peace. Now available by title on our website are many, many articles by Apostle Jerry that are written from a Kingdom perspective versus the perspective of the world.
A true apostle sent by God, Apostle Jerry's teaching will be a comfort and encouragement to you in this time. Many of the articles address these times we are in and will help you to have a greater understanding of your position as a Believer. Faith in who God is overcomes fear that the world may try to bring. Each article is printable.
Studying teaching directly from the Lord will bring great peace. Now available by title on our website are many, many articles by Apostle Jerry that are written from a Kingdom perspective versus the perspective of the world.
A true apostle sent by God, Apostle Jerry's teaching will be a comfort and encouragement to you in this time. Many of the articles address these times we are in and will help you to have a greater understanding of your position as a Believer. Faith in who God is overcomes fear that the world may try to bring. Each article is printable.
Sermons and Other Resources
At Honey Rock, we welcome the leading of the Holy Spirit. As a result, the teaching and preaching which comes from our five-fold ministry is anointed by the Spirit of God.
Apostle Jerry has a special assignment and grace from the Holy Spirit to teach on End Times Revelation. See the link above to access many End Times articles and the links below to sermons and other teaching.
Apostle Jerry has a special assignment and grace from the Holy Spirit to teach on End Times Revelation. See the link above to access many End Times articles and the links below to sermons and other teaching.
Sermon MessagesListen to Apostle Jerry's most recent as well as past messages from our Saturday Sabbath and Sunday services. Each message carries right now revelation from the Holy Spirit.
Visit Our You Tube ChannelA Watchman Crying Out, Apostle Jerry Upton is releasing the Word of God for these Last Days. Tune in to our You Tube channel for current Last Day's teaching by Apostle Jerry Upton.
Confessions & DeclarationsThe Word of God is powerful! When we speak it out loud, it goes to work right away to bring solutions. Start speaking some of these confessions based on Scripture and watch God move!
Operating in the Spirit RealmRecently Apostle Jerry released the first of his 2 new books, Operating in the Realm of the Spirit, an anointed teaching manual on how to operate in the supernatural realm of the Spirit.
Additional Resources
- Printable and downloadable articles by Apostle Jerry Upton
- Monthly newsletter
- My Father's House sermons